As long as I’m attorney general, the criminal justice system will not be used for partisan political ends.”

–William Barr, explaining that no, he will not be investigating Obama and Biden for plotting to take down Donald Trump


  1. Michael Teitelman May 23, 2020 at 12:46 pm

    On the face of it, of course this is a laughable assertion.

    But there is a political context that suggests another meaning.

    Last weekend Trump took a bunch of cronies to Camp David.
    They are reported to have “brainstormed” about how to ensnare Obama and Biden
    in a criminal investigation. They had a name for this: Obamagate.

    Barr issued his risible comment the next business day (Monday). Viewed as
    as a public communication to Trump, it is not so laughable, It was Barrs way of telling Trump that this is a very bad idea and that he is not to going to get his fondest wish: the criminal prosecution of Obama.

    • tonygreco May 24, 2020 at 12:17 pm

      Good observation–you may well be right. After all, there must be a line that even Barr wouldn’t cross.

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